These are the most popular posts among our readers in 2020

In January, we made a commitment to share with you quality information about natural stones, especially granite.

Every month we send through the Gra2003 Newsletter an article that addresses the use of granite, its best applications, and clarifies doubts about the most used rock in the world.


This list reveals the 5 most read articles during the year 2020. We start with the 5th most-read article of the year: «How to check the quality of the granite» which belongs to the January 2020 Newsletter.


Top 5 – Most read articles of 2020


5th place: «How to verify the granite quality»

4th place: «Is granite sustainable?»

3rd place: «Is granite going out of style?»

2nd place: «Is granite good for construction?»

1st place: «Granite VS Marble»


On average, visitors to our page spent 2 minutes reading our articles. This is something that makes us very satisfied, as we dedicate a lot of time and effort to create valuable information for you.

To see all articles, click here.

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#5 How to verify the granite quality?

how to verify granite quality at gra2003

#4 Is granite sustainable?

is granite sustainable

#3 Is granite going out of style?

granito casa de banho moderna

#2 Is granite good for construction?

Construir com granito.

#1 Granite VS Marble

granito vs marmore